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How Can Employees Write the Perfect Appreciation Note For Their Boss? [Sample + Template Included]

How Can Employees Write the Perfect Appreciation Note For Their Boss

When it comes to the creation of a good work culture, it is important to keep in mind that the responsibility lies on both the managers as well as the employees of the organization.  Employee appreciation for boss is usually something that often gets swept under the rug. There is a lot that is often put out there that clearly states how the management can do better, but often a kind word by the employees also goes a long way in helping managers feel good about their job. The best part is that they do not need to be long noted, a simple thank you with a couple of lines will also work.  

Not everyone is good at writing or expressing themselves through words, so we have curated a list of phrases you can use when wondering how to compliment your boss in writing.

1. Why Send an Appreciation Note to Your Boss?

You should send an appreciation note to your boss as it shows gratitude on your part for your boss. A well-worded note can make anyone’s day and your supervisor is no different. 

If you have a supervisor who supports you and provides guidance that helps you put your best step forward, then sending an appreciation note is par for the course. 

2. 3 Important Points To Remember When You Write an Appreciation Note

2.1 Be Focused

In your appreciation note, you need to be very clear about why you are writing the appreciation note. Try to keep it free of fluff and do not beat around the bush. This will ensure that your note is received well and your manager will have the time to read and absorb the message.

2.2 Keep It Brief

You do not need to write pages and pages expressing your gratitude. All you need is a simple note that is short, sweet, and to the point. The only thing that you should keep in mind is to ensure you are able to express your gratitude well. 

2.3 Keep it Professional

In the note you don’t have to go overboard, ensure you are respectful and are not blurring professional boundaries. This is why it is always advised that you keep the messaging clear and concise. Also, always proofread before you send your note, you’ll be surprised at the kinds of mistakes that people make if they don’t double-check. 

3. What Do You Say To An Amazing Boss? (Samples/Templates)

3.1 For Support, Guidance, and Understanding

For Support, Guidance, and Understanding

Support, guidance and understanding are all very important aspects of an employee-manager relationship. A good supervisor will always ensure that you feel supported to take risks, guide you through roadblocks and approach every small or big issue with understanding. 

If you want to express your gratitude towards them, here are some examples to help you get started. 

I wanted to write you this note to thank you for your *(support, encouragement, or help) * throughout (*time period*). I’m grateful to be surrounded by caring people like you. Thank you. 
Saying thank you does not feel sufficient for the tremendous amount of support and encouragement you have given me over the years. You are my mentor, and I can’t thank you enough for all that you have helped me with. 
Thank you for helping me out with (*specific task*). I understand how busy your schedule is and you still took out time to help me get it right. Your insights were appreciated.

3.2 For a Raise, Bonus, or Gift

Recognition is a great feeling for anyone. A raise, bonus, or gift from the organization is a direct reflection of the fact that your boss has put in a good word for you and got your efforts noticed. 

Thank you for the (*raise, bonus, or gift*). It feels great to be recognized for (*job/project completed*). Your encouragement always empowers me to constantly improve and do my best work. 
Im grateful for the (*raise, bonus or gift*). I’m so glad that you have noticed my work and I just wanted to thank you for helping me on the journey thus far. 
Thank you for the (*bonus/raise*). You have been an instrumental part of my work in the organization and I’m very happy that you recognized the hard work I put in as it motivates me to constantly evolve and put my best work forth. 

3.3 For a Promotion

For a Promotion

Congratulations on receiving a promotion! Chances are that you got it based on a good word put in by your manager or superior. Whether it is through a recommendation, support during the job, or a good review in your annual report, it is a good time to write an appreciation message to boss and colleagues. 

I am very grateful for the promotion to (*position*). I’m extremely elated to be able to contribute to the organization in this capacity. Thank you for the opportunity!
I’m thrilled about being named (*new position*). This has been a goal of mine and achieving it would not have been possible without your support and guidance. Thank You!
This note is to express my gratitude for the promotion to (*Role*). It would not have been possible without your support at every step along the way. Thank you for being such a great boss.

3.4 When You Are Leaving

When you are moving on to the next step of your career, it is essential to depart on a positive note. Your boss has been there with you throughout this journey, and it is important that you let them know the impact they had on you and what you are taking forward from the experience. 

Thank you for being such a great manager for me during my time at (*company name*). As I move on to explore other opportunities, I wanted to let you know that I had a great time learning and working with you and I will proudly carry all of the learnings with me throughout my career. 
It is hard to believe that we will no longer be working together. It has been an amazing experience, one that has been instrumental in helping me reach where I am. Before I leave, I just wanted to write this note to say thank you for being such an amazing boss.
As it is my last day at (*organization name*), I wanted to write a note to you to express how great it has been to work with you. Your skills and talents are very well known, and I don’t think I can say anything more than what has already been said.  I have however learned a lot about this sector from you and for that, I just wanted to say thank you!

3.5 When Your Boss is Leaving

 When Your Boss is Leaving

If you find that your boss is moving on from their role for any reason, you should write a small note to them pertaining to your journey with them and thanking them for their part in it. 

Thank you for your leadership and vision. Working under your guidance has been a game changer. Even though we will not be working together anymore, I will take everything that I have learned from you forward. I hope you do great in your next venture as well.
We were one of the lucky few who had all three-mentor, manager, and boss in one. Thank you for your contributions to the organization and the learnings that you imparted. Hope we can work together in the future once again. 
This is my farewell message to you, even though we will be talking in the future I wanted this message to let you know how much your (*qualities*) have helped me and I can only hope one day I’m able to emulate the same. Thank you for being a phenomenal leader and you will be missed.

3.6 For No Reason

You don’t always need a big overarching reason to thank your boss. Anytime you feel like it, you can let them know what they are doing matters and that you just want to extend employee appreciation for boss. 

I did not think I would have a job at (*company name*) where I’m genuinely happy and you are a big part of that reason. Your support and enthusiasm make it a joy to come to work every day. I just wanted to let you know that you are doing an amazing job. Thank you for everything!
Working under your leadership has been an amazing experience. I could not even imagine there was a way for a work environment to be so encouraging and positive. My sincerest thanks to you.
Thank you for your guidance on the job and beyond. Your guidance and support have helped me grow in this field more than I ever imagined. I promise to always give my absolute 100% to any job that you give me. 

4. FAQs

  • How do I write a letter of appreciation to my boss?

To write a letter of appreciation to your boss, just keep your tone light and clear. You do not have to write multiple pages, a couple of lines expressing your gratitude are all you need.

  • How to praise your boss in words?

To praise your boss in words all you need to do is write them a note or email expressing your feelings and establishing your journey thus far in the organization. 

  • How do you appreciate your boss for his leadership?         

 You can appreciate your boss for his leadership by sending them a handwritten note or an email. You can also             do this by sending them a formal letter. 

  • What do you say to an amazing boss?

When you want to appreciate an amazing boss, you begin by thanking them and then detailing the impact that they have had on your journey so far.

  • What do you value most in a boss?

Employees value bosses who create an environment of trust, integrity and respect for them.

  • How do you write an appreciation message to your boss?

When writing an appreciation message to your boss, start by expressing your gratitude for their leadership and support. Be specific about the things they have done that you appreciate, and how it has made a positive impact on you and your work. 

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