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10 Virtual Earth Day Activities to Celebrate the Planet Online

Virtual Earth Day

The earth is what we all have in common, which is why we should appreciate and protect what nurtures us all. Every year, 22nd April is celebrated as “Earth Day” all around the globe to thank mother earth. The pandemic from 2020 has moved Earth Day activities to a virtual platform. 

 Our planet is battling several crises, with the global pandemic only adding to the acute imbalance in natural resources. By celebrating Virtual Earth Day, you’re acknowledging how important it is to do your bit for the planet. 

In this post, we’ll take you through a few virtual Earth Day activities that you and your distributed team can volunteer for.

1. What Is the Theme of Earth Day 2023?

What Is the Theme of Earth Day 2023-

Invest in Our Planet is the theme for this year’s Earth Day celebration. Forest fires, extreme weather conditions, rising sea levels, shrinking of glaciers – all these are screaming that mother earth needs a restoration. As a citizen of this planet, we must protect our home. After all, the earth is not an option, but a necessity.

This year, we are focusing on restoring the world’s ecosystem with green technologies, sustainable alternatives and innovative thinking. It is not just one nation's job, but our collective responsibility to strive to reverse global warming, protect biodiversity and increase people's living standards.. 

2. Virtual Earth Day Activities for your Team


Virtual Earth Day Activities for your Team

So how do you celebrate Earth Day virtually? From documentaries to online seminars, we have prepared this extensive list of virtual Earth Day activities for you to celebrate the planet.  

2.1 Watch Documentaries

Watch Documentaries

Environmental documentaries provide an educational and entertaining way to learn how to Restore Our Earth from the comfort of our own homes. These eight documentaries will improve your climate knowledge. They're sure to keep you informed of the actions needed to save our planet.

Extinction: The Facts

A film by natural historian David Attenborough portrays the continuing sixth mass extinction caused by humans and the results of biodiversity loss and climate change. This documentary also suggests some positive steps we all can take to halt or reverse the effect of the global climate crisis.  

8 Billion Angels

Directed by Victor Velle – this award-winning documentary depicts the adverse effect our planet is facing due to overpopulation. It shows how it affects the natural resources and what solutions we can implement before it gets too late.

Night on Earth

From lions on the hunt to bats flying, the new low-light camera technology in this nature series illuminates the hidden worlds of creatures that are active at night. Narrated by Samira Wiley and produced by Plimsoll Productions, this series is an interesting watch.

My Octopus Teacher

If you love sea life, then My Octopus Teacher documentary is a must-watch for you. The Netflix Original, directed by Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed, tells the story of Craig Foster's relationship with a wild octopus in a South African kelp forest.

2.2 Attend Earth Day Live Events

Attend Earth Day Live Events

From watching the virtual Earth Day summit to attending live lectures by renowned environmentalists, these online Earth Day activities allow you to learn more about the global environmental movements.

Many groups and organizations also organize workshops on zero waste and recycling. Attending them will benefit you because you’ll learn more about how you can do your bit. The instructors will teach you how to recycle your garbage sustainably. Keep yourself updated on their social media platforms to get more information on the virtual Earth Day events. Don't miss the chance to see some of the world leaders lead on climate action and goals live on news channels and YouTube.

2.3 Organize Best from the Waste Workshop

If you look around your house, you’ll find many things that are not in use for a long time and are just collecting dust. By upcycling them, you can reuse those items with a new purpose. Like, repurposing food cans into pretty pots or using crates as organizers. 

Organizing upcycling workshops for your colleagues, friends or family is one of the best online Earth Day activities at home. By hosting this workshop, you are encouraging everyone to repurpose their old items and cut down their daily waste. Select a project and schedule a time for the workshop. Inform everyone beforehand about the necessary materials and craft supplies. You can also involve kids in this activity to teach them upcycling in a fun way.

2.4 Take Part in Digital Clean-up

Take Part in Digital Clean-up

This year, if you are not able to take part in the clean-up drive to collect garbage from your nearby parks, streets or beaches due to the global pandemic; then seize the day to clean up your digital life.

Do you know that the increase in internet and digital usage is responsible for about 3.7% of global greenhouse gas emissions? Similar to the real world, even the digital world is also full of trash. Digital waste consumes energy without our knowledge. It stays in our cloud storage and backups and continuously consumes electricity. Take some time to clean up your smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops from unnecessary emails, files, folders and photos. Celebrate the day as a digital clean-up day and stop the waste of electricity by deleting needless data from your gadgets.

2.5 Earth Day Quiz

Earth Day Quiz

Earth Day is all about sharing and gaining knowledge and awareness. With Earth Day Quiz, test your team’s knowledge about the planet they are striving on.

Invite all the participants on a video call and divide them into a team. Prepare a list of questions about the earth, environment, animals, eco-system or anything else that goes with the theme. Team members can work together to answer these questions within a certain time limit. With every right answer, they’ll get a point and for every wrong answer, they lose one. Keep track of these points and select the winner at the end. Also, share some facts or information after every question to make these virtual Earth Day activities more interesting.

2.6 Earth Day Online Bingo

Virtual Earth Day activities should allow everyone to participate. Earth Day Online Bingo party is one of the easiest and entertaining ways to get everyone on board for the celebration.

You can browse the net to get the free printable of the theme and send it to everyone. If you’re the host or are appointing someone else to host the event, just make sure attendees get the memo beforehand. To arrange Earth Day Online Bingo; 

  • Keep different sustainable living activities on the calling cards
  • Select one card and announce it to everyone
  • The one who has done these earth day  virtual activities will cancel it out from their card
  • The first one who gets 5 boxes covered in a row will win the game. 


2.7 Online Earth Day Eco Tours

Every year you might be arranging a tracking tour or nature walk as part of your Earth Day celebration. But this year this might not be possible due to social distancing. Instead, arrange online Earth Day eco-tours to experience nature from your homes.

With these online Earth Day activities, you and your team will be able to discover and experience parts of the earth you have never been to before. Book an online tour of zoos, national parks, natural preserves, forests and experience all these environmental wonders without stepping out. Yellowstone National Park is one such park that offers a virtual tour of its main attractions.

2.8 Symbolic Species Adoptions

Protection and conservation of all the diverse species on the planet is the major part to restore the Earth. On this day, take your time to learn more about the species that are on the verge of extinction and play your part by adopting an animal.

This adoption allows the donors to contribute some amount that helps with animal conservation. Typically, donors make monthly contributions to their adopted endangered species and receive regular updates from the organization on their efforts to save and conserve that animal. The World Wild Life (WWF) also offers these symbolic species adoptions on their website. You can support their global efforts to protect endangered animals and their habitats by contributing a small amount.

2.9 Payback to Mother Earth

Virtual fundraiser events are the best Earth Day online activities to raise donations that go for the betterment of our planet.

Request everyone to contribute to the fundraiser and donate the collected amount to any environmental organization. Oceana, WildAid, WWF are some of the well-known global organizations that work to support ocean life and wildlife. Environmental Defence Fund is a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization that works hard to fight climate change. Or you can also donate to the smaller local organizations to support their environmental efforts.

2.10 Organize Plantation and Composting Seminar

“He Who Plants a Tree Plants a Hope.” - Lucy Larcom

On Earth Day, plant a sapling and take care of it until it becomes a tree.

Organize an event for the plantation followed by a seminar that teaches about composting. Learning about the plantation and composting are the most interesting Earth Day online activities for everyone. Invite a seminar leader that teaches everyone about different composting techniques, composts and their benefits for plants. With video tutorials and presentations, all can learn to produce their compost at home from the daily organic waste.

3. FAQs

3.1 What Is Earth Day?

Every year, the 22nd of April is celebrated as Earth Day to show support for the protection of our environment. The purpose of Earth Day is to educate all about the harm humans are causing to our planet and the ways in which we can all undo this destruction, and make it more livable for future generations. 

3.2 What Are Some Activities for Earth Day?

Here are some activities you can do on Earth Day;

  • Take part in clean-up or recycling drives
  • Attend Earth Day seminars, workshops and events
  • Go on a hike or a nature walk
  • Visit national parks, gardens, or nature conservatories

3.3 What Can I Do for Earth Day 2023?

Here are some ways you can contribute to Earth Day 2023;

  • Take a step forward to a sustainable lifestyle by adopting a plant-based diet or a zero-waste lifestyle
  • Adopt an endangered animal or make donations to environmental organizations to support their efforts
  • Spread the knowledge about global warming and climate change - teach kids the preventive steps, encourage your friends and family to adopt a sustainable lifestyle

3.4 What Can I Do for Earth Day at Home?

To help the planet, take a pledge to attain a sustainable lifestyle. If you are a non-vegetarian or consume an animal-based diet, then follow a plant-based diet at least a day every week. This may look like a tiny step, but eventually, you can make it a habit and go vegan to bring down your carbon footprint. 

You can take the following actions to make your lifestyle more eco-friendly:

  • Consider walking, biking, or carpooling to work to reduce your use of fossil fuels
  • Be mindful while using water and opt for renewable energy resources whenever possible
  • Dedicate one hour of your day to the earth and turn off all your electronic equipment for an hour every day
  • Follow the zero-waste lifestyle or practice minimalism
  • You can maintain a journal of the daily waste you produce. Study your waste-producing habits and try to cut down the unnecessary wastage.

You can start with these small changes in your everyday life and eventually make a larger impact on the planet.

{""@context"":""https:""@type"":""FAQPage"",""mainEntity"":[{""@type"":""Question"",""name"":""What Is Earth Day?"",""acceptedAnswer"":{""@type"":""Answer"",""text"":""Every year,the 22nd of April is celebrated as Earth Day to show support for the protection of our environment.The purpose of Earth Day is to educate all about the harm humans are causing to our planet and the ways in which we can all undo this destruction,and make it more livable for future generations.""}},{""@type"":""Question"",""name"":""What Are Some Activities for Earth Day?"",""acceptedAnswer"":{""@type"":""Answer"",""text"":""Here are some activities you can do on Earth Day;1.Take part in clean-up or recycling drives 2.Attend Earth Day seminars,workshops and events 3.Go on a hike or a nature walk 4.Visit national parks,gardens,or nature conservatories""}},{""@type"":""Question"",""name"":""What Can I Do for Earth Day 2023?"",""acceptedAnswer"":{""@type"":""Answer"",""text"":""Here are some ways you can contribute to Earth Day 2023;1.Take a step forward to a sustainable lifestyle by adopting a plant-based diet or a zero-waste lifestyle 2.Adopt an endangered animal or make donations to environmental organizations to support their efforts 3.Spread the knowledge about global warming and climate change – teach kids the preventive steps,encourage your friends and family to adopt a sustainable lifestyle""}},{""@type"":""Question"",""name"":""What Can I Do for Earth Day at Home?"",""acceptedAnswer"":{""@type"":""Answer"",""text"":""To help the planet,take a pledge to attain a sustainable lifestyle.If you are a non-vegetarian or consume an animal-based diet,then follow a plant-based diet at least a day every week.This may look like a tiny step,but eventually,you can make it a habit and go vegan to bring down your carbon footprint.You can take the following actions to make your lifestyle more eco-friendly:1.Consider walking,biking,or carpooling to work to reduce your use of fossil fuels 2.Be mindful while using water and opt for renewable energy resources whenever possible 3.Dedicate one hour of your day to the earth and turn off all your electronic equipment for an hour every day 4.Follow the zero-waste lifestyle or practice minimalism 5.You can maintain a journal of the daily waste you produce.Study your waste-producing habits and try to cut down the unnecessary wastage.You can start with these small changes in your everyday life and eventually make a larger impact on the planet.""}}]}

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