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25+ Hysterical Virtual Team Icebreakers for Virtual and Hybrid Meetings

Virtual Team Icebreakers

With everything going online, your dependence on digital platforms for work, meetings, and conversation have increased. But wouldn’t you enjoy these meetings more if they included a few virtual team icebreakers?

Buffer’s 2021 State of Remote Work survey stated that nearly 52% of the respondents reported being in more meetings as a result of the shift to remote work. Virtual icebreakers are key to reducing meeting fatigue stemming from back-to-back discussions. It brings back the pre-covid team collaboration and also improves employee engagement.

This blog will discuss how virtual team icebreakers can enliven every remote meeting.

A Guide to Managing and Building a Remote Team

1. What are Virtual Team Icebreakers?

What are Virtual Team Icebreakers

Virtual team icebreakers are interactive activities that help remote teams connect on a personal level. They’re useful in situations where people are unsure of how to start. Take virtual inductions and remote onboarding, for example.

Everyone knows first days can be awkward. That’s why you need to call an all hands meeting so that everyone gets to introduce themselves to the new hire, and vice versa. Virtual team icebreakers can calm nerves and enable everyone to relax. It lightens up the mood, making the team feel equally comfortable.

Breaking the ice with casual conversations and good virtual ice breaker games can help the meeting attendees loosen up. More importantly, it enables the rest of the discussion to flow more naturally, thereby helping teams bond.

Best Icebreaker Questions

2. Importance of Virtual Team-Building

Importance of Virtual Team-Building

Virtual team building activities weave collaboration into the very seams of a  company’s remote work culture. It comprises activities such as virtual team icebreakers to bring everybody together, thereby bettering engagement. 

According to research by HBR, about one-third of remote workers don't indulge in any face-to-face interaction with their teams. This lack of connection hampers employee engagement and disrupts team collaboration. The loneliness leads to depression as most employees feel like they don’t have anyone to share their thoughts with. Ultimately, it results in the employees giving sub-optimal productivity or, worse, quitting.

Team Building Games, Tools & Ideas For Virtual Teams

3. Quick Virtual Icebreakers

Top Ice Breakers for Virtual Meetings


GENSMAK! digital trivia is a fun and engaging way for remote teams to come together on screen and bond over shared knowledge and experiences. Players can test their trivia skills on a wide range of topics, from popular trends and music to historical events and cultural phenomena. The host shares the questions on the screen. You will also get some hints to answer the questions.  

The hints written by comedians add an extra layer of humor to the game. Our team gave this game a try and the results were hilarious. This game is  easy and the free online gameplay allows participation  of upto 12 players, which makes it a  great option for remote teams looking to build rapport and have fun together. You will enjoy nostalgia, stories, laughter, and surprise on every level. We sure did! 

3.2. Table Topics

You may think you know your team, but chances are that you only see the tip of the iceberg. For instance, you wouldn't know who has a great singing voice, or can name all the 50 states of America in under 5 minutes! ‘Table topics’ is an easy pick for us from the list of fun icebreakers for virtual meetings where members can ask one another personal questions that will help improve the bonding. Here are some examples of the questions that one may ask:

  • What was the last song you searched for?
  • What's your favorite international dish?
  • What is your biggest pet peeve?

3.3. Two Truths and a Lie

This is a popular mainstay on the list of best virtual icebreakers and a fun icebreaker for specially those members who are not much acquainted with one another. It helps in improving collaboration and engagement among the team members.

We have our experience with this game as well. We played it after we had hired two content writers for our team. Let me share what we did.

 I explained the game to everyone and told them that everyone has to tell two truths and one lie about themselves. The others have to guess the lie. I went first, and had the others guess the lie and only one of them got it right! We went on till everyone had a shot. Lastly, we declared the winner who guessed the most lies (that was me!).

3.4. Quick Questions

Quick Questions

This game is a great warm-up exercise before any meeting and makes a welcome addition to team icebreakers for virtual meetings. Additionally, it is one of the best ways for colleagues to interact casually by asking fun, personal questions.

All you have to do is prepare some funny questions and ask each member before the start of the meeting. Some of these may be:

  • What was your childhood like?
  • How do you generally spend your weekends?
  • What was the last meal that you had?

These virtual ice breakers for team meetings help lighten the mood before the meeting and help energize and motivate the employees. You can change the questions for each session.

3.5. The Emoji Song Game

In this virtual icebreaker game, you can split the members into two teams and ask them to select songs. Following that, a team will try to depict the theme through emojis, and the other team will figure out the song. The team with the most songs correctly identified wins!

3.6. Trivia Hour

Virtual team-building activities aren't complete without members knowing everything about them. As the organizer, you can create trivia questions as virtual office ice breakers from employee records, social media profiles, etc. Based on that, you can pose questions about their favorite bands, their creative talent, and so on.

Following that, you can upload the quiz link before the meeting and encourage everyone to answer the trivia questions about one another. This makes for  good virtual ice breakers for team meetings.

4. Fun Virtual Meeting Icebreakers

4.1. Wheel Decide

Wheel Decide

The ‘Wheeldecide’ is a classic spin-the-wheel virtual office ice breakers. You can either use the wheel provided or modify your wheel. All you have to do is invite the meeting members and ask them to spin the wheel one by one. For some fun twist, customize the themes to create different options on the wheel for different games, events, giveaways, raffles and more. These kind of fun icebreakers for meetings get the crowd moving and are a whole lot of fun.

4.2. The JAM Storytime

JAM or Just-A-Minute’ is a recitation game where a person has to talk about a given topic for one minute. First, you’ll have to divide the members into two teams. Following that, provide some topics to each group,  or have them run suggestions by you. Announce prizes and gifts for the best performers.

Do what it takes to ensure that everyone takes part in this fun game. If there are too many members participating in the game, you can reduce the recitation time to make sure everyone gets a go.

4.3. Virtual Cookoff

Virtual Cookoff

This game will put your culinary ability to the test. The SIWOM team tried it out in July and we had a blast! We paired up at random and the organizer gave us recipes (all different!). 

We cooked our respective dishes and displayed them on the screen. Though many of us do not cook that often, the cookoff was a true example of teamwork doing the dream work. We even nominated our own or someone else’s dish for the most tasteful presentation. It boosted our team spirit and gave us the memory to cherish.

4.4. Virtual Lunch

Virtual Lunch is a simple and fun way of interaction. All you have to do is invite everyone to a virtual lunch meeting. In that meeting, members can talk about their personal life, work-related topics, play games, or make simple small talk.

4.5. Virtual Dance Party

There's no party like a dance party! The organizer has to send meeting invites and tell them to bring their "dancing shoes."  This works as fun icebreakers for hybrid meetings and remote workspaces.  You can create killer playlists and let everyone showcase their favorite moves. A dance party as an icebreaker can help boost energy before a long company meeting. Not just that, an impromptu jig works well to loosen up and blow off some steam on those hectic days so it's a winner not just on our list of fun icebreakers for meetings but Fun Fridays too!

4.6. Choose Your Favorite

Everyone has cravings. For me, it's a pizza with extra cheese. I am sure all of you have something that is your favorite. Well, this game is based on what you like. 

All you have to do is ask questions such as:

  • Which skill would you love to have?
  • What is the best pizza according to you?
  • What music do you love?

Members will answer “what it is that they desire (just referred to Lucifer, one of my favorite shows!), and even interact with other members about their choices.

Best Virtual Trivia Games for Remote Teams

4.7. 100 Point Puzzle

The SorryonMute team had the chance to try out Dan Paech’s 100 Point Challenge, which features a Master puzzle that you can get to only after solving a series of riddles. Dan was our facilitator and he sent the two teams into breakout rooms to come up with team names and discuss strategy. We then clicked on the game link and worked out the riddles. Although we didn’t crack the master puzzle, we used the old divide and conquer strategy to work out the individual riddles. 

The entire experience lasted 40 minutes. It was quite enjoyable, which is why the team and I recommend trying it before getting into your meeting! 100 Point has adapted to the current Covid situation and offers online experiences for hybrid and fully remote teams, so you’re sure to find something everyone will like! This is a game that will encourage your teams to work together and challenge their deductive reasoning and quick thinking skills! 

5. Ice Breaker Games for Remote Teams

5.1. Guess Who

Guess Who

Guess Who’ is a fun and straightforward game where members have to identify a person based on specific questions. These questions can be about one’s attributes, likes, dislikes etc. This is best played with small-sized teams. For larger groups, you’ll need to create multiple breakout teams and carry the game forward.

The meeting organizer has to send a survey or a poll consisting of questions such as:

  • What is your favorite music genre?
  • Where have you travelled to in the last 5 years?
  • What was the last movie you saw?

During the meeting, you can post the questions alongside the answers provided in the survey. Based on that, members can guess who has responded to what.

5.2. Dream Destination

This is a game where members have to write about their dream destinations, the reasons for why they chose that destination, and how they want to travel there.

We played the game last week on a Friday catch up, and found it fun. The meeting organizer passed the team some travel books or holiday or holiday brochures. Following that, we selected the best destination and wrote a few lines about it. We also provided details about the traveling accommodations. 

This activity sparked discussions and helped everyone get reacquainted with those they haven’t spoken to in a while. 

Interesting Would You Rather Questions

5.3. The TRUMAN Show

If you ever feel that your life is a movie, then this game will entertain you!

The meeting organizer will send emails to the participants, asking them to prepare a write-up comparing their lives to a movie. The members can choose any film, but they have to explain why they chose that particular movie.

During the meeting, you can select members one by one and ask them to compare their lives to a movie and explain the reason behind it. 

5.4. Where in the World?

If your company has members coming in from different locations globally, then this is one of those must-try icebreaker games for remote teams. You can start the meeting by asking everyone where they are from and the best thing about their place.  Take it up a notch and have the rest guess the place using clue-based questions rather than just having the person say it themselves. This helps in connecting the employees better. It’ll feel like you’ve been transported to that place! 

5.5. Sell your Space

This is a fun and interactive game where you can test the sales skills of every member. This is quite simple. All they have to do is select a thing from their home and sell it to another member in the next 10-15 minutes. They can come with the product name, price, and features. The one with the most sales will be declared the winner.

5.6. Word of the Day

This game also tests the observation skills of the members. In this game, the organizer will announce that they will use an unusual word in the conversation at the start of a meeting. Then, the members have to guess that word and where the host used it. The word can be anything, for instance, “radish” or “bug spray” or anything silly that comes to your mind.

To ease the process, you can give them a hint. Then, the person who guesses it right has to exclaim: 'word of the day!'.

5.7. Pictionary

Last but not least- 'Pictionary.' We have all played Pictionary at some stage, either with friends or family. 

For the uninitiated, Pictionary is a simple game. The organizer will make two teams. One person will be given the word, and they have to draw it on a whiteboard. Since the team is virtual, you can do this on a digital collaborative platform such as Miro, Mural, or Stormboard. Then, the team members will guess the word with the help of the picture. The other team will do the same. Lastly, the team with the most guesses wins.

6. Icebreakers for Hybrid Meetings

6.1. Would you rather?

'Would you rather?' is a classic virtual icebreaker game that helps the members get to know each other better before starting your meeting. In this interactive game, you need to develop 5 to 10 questions for them to answer. The questions can be as such:

  • Would you rather have a car or a bike?
  • Would you rather have a pet dog or a pet cat?

You can split the team into two groups to let them explain their responses. For instance, if there are ten members in the meeting, you can group them according to their responses and reshuffle each time there’s a majority of responses.

6.2. Personal Baseball

This is a virtual ice breakers for team meetings game for all the sports lovers out there and can be played indoors. First, the organizer has to divide the members into two teams. Each member will take turns writing lesser-known facts about themselves. Then, when a team is up to bat, a member from the opposite team will read a point about a member. The batter has to guess who it belongs to. If someone gets it wrong, they will receive a strike. If one gets three strikes, they are out. Whichever team has the most points at the end of the game wins.

Guessing games like these are cool team icebreakers for virtual meetings since they engage groups and set the ball rolling. 

Virtual Team Building Cooking Classes

6.3. Personality Tests

We all like personality tests. They are a great ice breaker for hybrid meeting. After all, most of us are guilty of taking the ‘Which bagel am I’ quiz, right? But, jokes apart, personality tests are a great way to improve collaboration and interaction.

All you have to do is send personality tests to the members and ask them to take the tests. Then, they can share their experience in the meeting, and everyone can share a laugh or two. This also makes for great ice breaker games for hybrid meetings.

Online Minute To Win It Games

6.4. Take a picture of...

In this game, ask members to take a picture of their room, pet, work desk, or anything else.  Everyone can vote on their favorite picture and the one with maximum votes goes up on the team channel as its profile or gallery picture! This is one of the best virtual team icebreakers to keep the conversation going as members can discuss the subject of their photos and even find out if there’s an interest or hobby two or more members have in common. 

6.5. Trivia Game

Trivia Game

I don’t think I would be wrong to say that Fridays are the best for us. Hey! It’s the weekend. But what if you could amp up the fun? Say with a trivia game which is also a virtual icebreaker game.

Trivia maker is one such game with its creative ice breaker questions for virtual meetings. You can play this game every Friday to take out the stress of the workweek. You may choose from premade games or create your own trivia questions.

First, you have to divide the members into sub-teams. Following that, you can write the trivia question and provide four possible answers (if needed). Finally, members can select the answer after discussing it over the team channel. The team with the maximum correct answers wins.

You can even take it up a notch by making rules such as every member has to answer or that a member with the wrong answer will be eliminated. Based on that, you can give prizes and rewards to the winning team.If you are looking for ice breaker games for hybrid meetings this is a great one.

6.6. Jungle Jumble

Good virtual ice breaker games let you understand how observant the other members are. First, all the members have to switch on their cameras. After that, everyone will get thirty seconds to take in each other's room or workstation visually. Next, switch off the cameras and move any one item around the room to another location.

After about two minutes, everyone has to switch their cameras back on. The first person who finds the most items moved will win.

Best Virtual Jigsaw Puzzles

7. Quick Virtual Icebreakers

7.1 Say it With an Emoji 

This ice breaker for hybrid meeting game requires you to express what you are feeling with an emoji. It acts as one of the best ice breakers for hybrid meetings as it is simple to play. All the participants need to do is answer the question with the help of an emoji. It is a simple inclusive game. 

7.2 Draw Your Mood

Another great addition to the list of ice breakers for hybrid meetings is to draw your mood. Instead of the usual stoic answers of “I’m good”, you can let people creatively express themselves through drawings.

7.3 Video Background Challenge 

Video conferencing apps allow you to pick creative backgrounds for your chats and you can use them as a game. Ask your employees to pick their favorite movie, vacation place, animal, etc as their background and see how the conversation flows. This is one of the most fun ice breakers for hybrid meetings.

7.4 Coffee Time

There is a term called Fika in Swedish which translates to coffee and cake in basic English. But it is really a lot more than that. It is a chance to disconnect from all tasks and connect with co-workers over a casual chat. It makes its way to the list of best ice breakers for hybrid meetings for this reason.

7.5 Name that Song

If you are looking for a more guesswork-based game then name the song is a great option. All you need to do is compile a list of karaoke tracks from popular tunes. The person who guesses them the fastest wins.

8. FAQs

8.1. How do icebreakers actually work?

Icebreakers help attendees catch up and relax before the meeting begins. They help improve the efficiency of meetings by strengthening bonds between participants. In a nutshell, icebreakers help in improving team collaboration, team engagement, and employee communications.

8.2. How to liven every remote meeting?

A virtual team icebreaker or a fun activity will help liven the meeting. It makes the members more engaged and more interactive. An icebreaker at the beginning of a digital meeting freshens up the mood of the participants, thus, making them more active.

8.3. How to define good virtual icebreakers?

Good virtual icebreakers are the ones that make meetings something that participants look forward to attending. An icebreaker draws out attendees and engages them. It gives everyone equal opportunities to participate. They can even provide suggestions for activities and games to try at the next meeting, which deepen the interest.

8.4. How to select the best virtual icebreaker?

To select the best icebreaker, you must first understand the mindset of the participants. Moreover, you should also take the tone of the next meeting into account. Finally, as the organizer, you must know what you want to achieve with the icebreaker. 

8.5. Are there any free icebreakers?

Yes, there are plenty of free icebreakers. Some of the notable ones  from this list are:

  • Two truths and a lie
  • Table Topics
  • Take a picture
  • Where in the world

8.6. What are some hybrid meeting ice breakers?

Some hybrid meeting icebreakers are; 

  • Coffee Time
  • Say it with an emoji
  • Draw your mood
  • Guess the song

8.7 What are some virtual getting to know you activities for work?

Here are some virtual getting-to-know-you games for work;

  • Two Truths and a Lie
  • Never Have I Ever
  • Most Likely To...
  • This or That

{""@context"":""https:""@type"":""FAQPage"",""mainEntity"":[{""@type"":""Question"",""name"":""How do icebreakers actually work?"",""acceptedAnswer"":{""@type"":""Answer"",""text"":""Icebreakers help attendees catch up and relax before the meeting begins.They help improve the efficiency of meetings by strengthening bonds between participants.In a nutshell,icebreakers help in improving team collaboration,team engagement,and employee communications.""}},{""@type"":""Question"",""name"":""How to liven every remote meeting?"",""acceptedAnswer"":{""@type"":""Answer"",""text"":""A virtual team icebreaker or a fun activity will help liven the meeting.It makes the members more engaged and more interactive.An icebreaker at the beginning of a digital meeting freshens up the mood of the participants,thus,making them more active.""}},{""@type"":""Question"",""name"":""How to define good virtual icebreakers?"",""acceptedAnswer"":{""@type"":""Answer"",""text"":""Good virtual icebreakers are the ones that make meetings something that participants look forward to attending.An icebreaker draws out attendees and engages them.It gives everyone equal opportunities to participate.They can even provide suggestions for activities and games to try at the next meeting,which deepen the interest.""}},{""@type"":""Question"",""name"":""How to select the best virtual icebreaker?"",""acceptedAnswer"":{""@type"":""Answer"",""text"":""To select the best icebreaker,you must first understand the mindset of the participants.Moreover,you should also take the tone of the next meeting into account.Finally,as the organizer,you must know what you want to achieve with the icebreaker.""}},{""@type"":""Question"",""name"":""Are there any free icebreakers?"",""acceptedAnswer"":{""@type"":""Answer"",""text"":""Yes,there are plenty of free icebreakers.Some of the notable ones from this list are:1.Two truths and a lie 2.Table Topics 3.Take a picture 4.Where in the world""}},{""@type"":""Question"",""name"":""What are some hybrid meeting ice breakers?"",""acceptedAnswer"":{""@type"":""Answer"",""text"":""Some hybrid meeting icebreakers are;1.Coffee Time 2.Say it with an emoji 3.Draw your mood 4.Guess the song""}},{""@type"":""Question"",""name"":""What are some virtual getting to know you activities for work?"",""acceptedAnswer"":{""@type"":""Answer"",""text"":""Here are some virtual getting-to-know-you games for work;1.Two Truths and a Lie 2.Never Have I Ever 3.Most Likely To… 4.This or That""}}]}

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