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10 Ultimate Virtual Wine Tasting Party Ideas for a Unique Team-Building Experience

10 ultimate virtual wine tasting party ideas for a unique team-building experience

Working from home over the past year and a half has led to remote-first and remote-only companies recreating many in-person experiences online for their team. Virtual wine tasting parties are one of the better examples!.

Wineries have been hosting them for the past year and a half. These tours are so committed to giving you as close to an authentic experience as possible that even novices would feel like a wine connoisseur. 

Virtual happy hours are a good starting point to host your own virtual wine tasting. This will also take your recreational time at work from goofy and hilarious to a classic experience.

1 What is a virtual wine tasting party?

What is a virtual wine tasting party

A virtual wine tasting party is pretty similar to a regular wine tasting; only in this, the winery comes to you, instead of you going to the winery. Yes, there won’t be grape stomping, but some wineries offer a virtual tour of their vineyards and cellars. 

Once a winery and a package are selected, a ‘wine tasting kit’ is sent to the participants’ house. The party is usually headed by an expert appointed by the winery which takes you through the wines and the tasting process along with a few add-on experiences like images, videos, games, etc.

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2 Why host a wine tasting experience for your team?

Why host a wine tasting experience for your team

Most corporations stick to the usual – virtual games like scavenger hunts, show and tell, talent shows, etc. Switching it up for something classy like wine tasting is a unique bonding experience. 

When paired with other activities like food pairing, blind tasting, and games like wine bingo, your team will have a time (and taste) that they would not want to forget soon. What’s more, you also get to enjoy an exquisite Rosé from the South of France or visit Blue Mountain Vineyards sitting in your home miles away from either location!

3 How To Host A Virtual Wine Tasting Party

One of the first steps in implementing your virtual wine tasting party ideas is to select a winery or wine sommelier who knows their wines. Be very careful, as this will make or break your entire party. Go through their profiles and websites to check their offering. Select a package that fits your budget and suits your purpose before placing your order.

Though the tasting manager will handle the actual event, it is up to you to make the arrangements on your end. Sending out the invitations to your team, informing them of the theme and dress code, and the party's itinerary - These are all vital parts of the next step.

If you are a wine connoisseur yourself and want to host it on your own, then make sure you package your tasting kit in an elegant manner and ship it to your teammates’ addresses well in advance. 

4 Virtual wine tasting party ideas for your team

Here are 10 unique corporate virtual wine tasting party ideas that you can implement for your next happy hour, Friday fun, or even over a virtual weekend brunch.

4.1 The Bordeaux Concierge

The Bordeaux Concierge

Founded in 2019,  The Bordeaux Concierge offers perfectly tailored, customized itineraries and experiences around Paris, Bordeaux, Cognac, and Dordogne. We like the fact that they are ready to source and ship the wines across the world, and that many of their sommeliers are even WSET certified. I wanted to provide the French experience to my team, so we went for a young red Bordeaux with French Comté cheese pairing. The cheese was mild and fresh and was sent in a thermo-insulated packaging.

Starting price: 1,500 euros. 

Tasting kit: Included. Wine, cheese, and shipping charged at cost

How to organize: Register with The Bordeaux Concierge here. It can be hosted over Zoom or a platform of your choice.

4.2 Samsara Wine

Samsara Wine

As mentioned on their website, Samsara Wine Co.’s corporate virtual wine tasting is designed for Team building as it was intended. You can choose from their selection of experiences, and an expert will then contact you to help you select the wines.

  • The Classic – Focuses on creating an interactive environment that blends into the purpose of the meet. Great for a virtual team outing.
  • Close the Deal – Designed to break the ice and know your prospective clients better over a relaxing sip of their wine. Must for building a long relationship with a prospective or existing client
  • Synergy Starter – Bring in your leadership team to enjoy vintage wines, specific vineyards as their expert sommelier crafts a thoughtfully planned virtual wine tasting experience. Best for leadership get together
  • Job well done – Incentivise or express gratitude to your star performers by choosing this package

We hosted a virtual wine tasting party as part of our RnR program, so the ‘Job Well Done’ package suited us.

Starting price: 200 USD for a basic tasting kit of 4 wines for 2-6 participants. Package pricing depends on the choice of wines

Tasting kit: Included.

How to organize: Select the package and fill out their form. A Samsara Wines expert will reach out for your selection of wines and to plan the event.

4.3 Handpicked Wines

Handpicked Wines

Established in 2013, and the winner of 8 major trophies for wines and vineyards including the Red 5 Star Winery 4 years in a row, Handpicked Wines’ corporate virtual wine tasting is thoughtfully crafted to give you the vintage experience. You can customize it according to the event and budget, and they ship wines across Australia.

We went for a co-branded Handpicked X Sam Studd pack and added a charcuterie to it. the whole experience took us on a virtual ride to their winery.

Starting price: 85 AUD. 

Tasting kit: Included. Shipping extra

How to organize: You can order the package by clicking on the respective links, or contact them over the phone or email, depending on your city.

4.4 Tasting IN

Tasting IN

Tasting IN is the first multiproduct online tasting marketplace that connects gourmet producers, sellers, and experts with consumers. They offer a variety of gastronomic products and experiences. You can either choose from Tasting IN’s numerous virtual wine tasting packages offered by their collaborators or, like us, go for their exclusive corporate virtual tasting that includes international delivery and multilingual experts.

Starting price: 29 Euro for a default group tasting. 110 Euro for a private tasting. Corporate bookings are customizable.

Tasting kit: Included. Shipping extra

How to organize: You can select from their wide range of virtual tasting packages for wine, beer, chocolate, and gin or fill this form for a corporate wine tasting.

4.5 Napa Valley

Napa Valley

One of the most famed locations for wines, Napa Valley hosts hundreds of wineries that offer tours and tastings – both for free and for a price. I liked the experiences offered by these wineries as they offer a fun virtual wine tasting experience.

    • Clos du Val – You can pick your virtual wine tasting pack, then proceed to book their Tasting at your table virtual experience
    • Clif Family Winery – You can choose from their virtual offerings of ‘Napa Valley Adventure’, ‘ Wine + Chocolate’, or ‘King of the Mountain’
  • Somnium Wine – Their ‘Wine and Caviar – virtual experience’ is hosted by their distinguished sommeliers featuring their finest wine and caviar 

Starting price: 150 USD. Each winery’s price points differ. Click the respective links above to learn more.

Tasting kit: Included. Shipping extra

How to organize: Fill out the form for the respective winery’s virtual tasting experience

Clos du Val - Pick your tasting kit from the above link and book the “Tasting at your Table- Live Virtual Experience”

Clif Family Winery - Fill the form in the above link or contact them for more info

Somnium Wine - Select the package from here.

4.6 Airbnb


Airbnb is a treasure trove of experiences, so you will find no shortage of online experiences as well. We particularly like the virtual wine tasting experience hosted by Cha, (a certified sommelier) as a BYOB experience. 

Starting price: 30 USD per person. 500 USD for a group experience

Tasting kit: Bring your own wine concept

How to organize: Book the experience on Airbnb’s official page

4.7 In Good Taste

In Good Taste

If I had to pick a personal favorite, it would be In Good Taste’s, solely for their innovation and creativity. In Good Taste were the first wine-lovers to curate and hand-bottled mini wines, and start the virtual wine taste parties. Their ‘tasting flights’ include 6-8 mini wine bottles. 

Established in 2017, the founders first aimed at hotels by providing mini wine bottles for their mini-fridges. With the onset of the pandemic, they teamed up with award-winning winemaker, Matt Smith to curate their virtual wine tasting kits and door deliver them directly to their guests. You can customize your package, choose your pairings and join them over Zoom for a unique virtual wine tasting event.

Starting price: 49 USD.

Tasting kit: Included. Shipping extra

How to organize: Order the tasting flight, book your tasting, plan your pairing and schedule the Zoom event from their page. Or chat with their expert for corporate events 

4.8 Torciano


Tenuta Torciano was founded by the Giachi family and has been in existence since 1720. 3 centuries and 13 generations later, the family tradition of winemaking is still carried on today. Apart from the virtual tastings, I especially liked their in-person experiences. They have been hosting a bunch of close-to-nature experiences in their estate-like expeditions via vineyards and sea, helicopter tours, historical tours, luxury dining and tasting, destination weddings, and more. The pandemic added their virtual wine tasting experience to their list, and it offers an all-inclusive package to suit everyone’s budgets.

Starting price: 22 Euro.

Tasting kit: Included. Shipping extra

How to organize: Book their Private Virtual Tastings. Upon receiving the tasting kit, you can choose a date and time of your choice for the experience. You can also email them with your requirements.

4.9 Bring in a sommelier

Bring in a sommelier


So, you know your wines. But are you camera shy when it comes to hosting your team a spectacular virtual wine tasting party? Just send your wines, hire the sommelier and let them do the rest. We particularly like Fred Dex, Jesse Katz, and Captain Ryan Sullivan.

You can also search social media for free events hosted by wineries or sommeliers and watch them live along with your team. If anyone in your team is a wine enthusiast, you can invite them to share their thoughts and experiences too.

4.10 DIY virtual wine tasting party

You are a wine sommelier yourself, and you want to throw a unique virtual wine tasting party but just need some tips on organizing one? Here are some handy tips on how you can organize one all by yourself.

What you’ll need

  • 2 wine glasses each
  • Wines for tasting
  • Spittoon or a large mug
  • Tasting sheet for each participant
  • Water, and some crackers/bread


  • Variety of grapes
  • Region of origin
  • According to the season or style
  • Food pairing - classier on a charcuterie board!
  • Budget

Some preparation tips

  • Have your wines picked, packed, and ready to ship. You can also involve your team in choosing a wine
  • Prepare and send out the invites in advance, and add the event to your team’s calendar 
  • Follow the instructions on the bottle to store your wine accordingly.
  • Follow the order of wine tasting – light to heavy, white to red, dry to sweet

Here’s a handy article that you can refer to for your DIY virtual wine tasting party ideas.



5.1 How do I invite my team to a virtual wine tasting party?

You can design a nice classy invitation and send it via email and mobile messaging apps. Be sure to include the link to join to attend the party.

5.2 What do you wear to a virtual wine tasting?

A regular wine tasting is a sophisticated social event. Think of it as a black-tie event where the dress code requires men to wear tuxes and women's cocktail dresses. For small groups, you can choose to keep your virtual wine tasting party as classy as a regular one or go in a completely different direction with a pajama wine party. Go crazy with your theme!

5.3 How much is a virtual wine tasting?

Some virtual wine tasting parties are hosted for free online. You can join the link specified on their pages. However, the cost of the wine will be borne by you, so buy one that would suit your budget. Hosted wine tasting parties can cost anywhere between 20 USD to 1,700 USD or even more depending on the wine quality, shipping, taxes, and more.

5.4 How do you make virtual wine tasting fun?

Keep your party interactive and fun by choosing some of these games to play, in addition to the actual wine tasting – like wine bingo, a novice describes the wine, trivia, and more. You can refer to this link for some fun ideas.

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