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RMA Transforms Engineers’ Monday Morning Meetings with SAVIOM

By Ajay Kumar
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The Challenge

RMA Engineers, a multi-disciplinary engineering firm, emphasizes achieving efficient management and fostering seamless collaboration within its operations. Despite their best intentions, the reliance on legacy systems and cumbersome spreadsheets soon proved counterproductive to their vision, hindering cooperation among team members, slowing workflow, and compromising overall efficiency. Some of the major challenges they encountered were:

Right Hand ArrowDifficulty in keeping the spreadsheets and databases up to date.
Right Hand ArrowInaccurate or outdated data affected decision-making and caused inefficiencies in resource management.
Right Hand ArrowLack of visibility or clarity on the overall and individual workloads.

RMA’s biggest struggle was the Monday ‘workflow’ meeting. As an organization with over 70 resources in 3 different offices, their typical workflow meeting had team leads toiling with different spreadsheets and databases.

“ We are good at sharing workload. We often had different people working on the same project from different locations, but it was getting difficult to understand who was busy and who wasn’t. Every Monday morning, we had team leads from across three offices video conferencing to sort out resourcing. We wanted a quick way to see how busy we were. ”

- Says Tony Loveday, Principal Engineer at RMA Engineers

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About RMA Engineers

RMA Engineers, a holistic engineering consultancy, offers personalized solutions spanning project management, structural and civil engineering, surface water engineering, and construction management.

Their portfolio covers projects in transport, local government, community services, retail, and residential sectors. Combining the strengths of large corporations and small consultancies, they deliver a wide range of services with a personalized touch.

The Solution

To overcome their workflow hurdles and achieve seamless collaboration, RMA Engineers switched to SAVIOM’s advanced resource management system.

Today, when Tony Loveday, Principal Engineer at RMA Engineers, walks in on a Monday morning, he is delighted to see his teams efficiently collaborate on various tasks. Tony and the various teams at RMA have integrated the tool into their systems, simplifying resource management and enhancing workforce productivity.

To quote Tony Loveday,

“Our meetings are far more productive than they used to be. We have come a long way from earlier meetings where people weren’t really prepared.“

With the implementation of SAVIOM, transparency and efficiency have soared. Now, team leads have real-time visibility into resource allocation.

They can now swiftly reshuffle resources and optimize their utilization levels within minutes. Moreover, assessing individual utilization through the reports has improved their decision-making capabilities.

Additionally, the customization feature of the software helped RMA build a user interface well-suited to the specific needs of their teams.


Result: The teams can now optimize their workforce allocation and scheduling in real time.

The tool’s complete visibility into resource attributes and metrics has simplified resource allocation across the board and dramatically improved productivity levels.

In Tony’s words,

“We find it very useful. While video conferencing, everybody has a view of the workflow with twin screens. We flip through bookings and different teams. Each team leader opens up his screen, and we look at schedules, overloads, and other things. It is very easy to see what is happening. The software is simple and quickly shows where the under/overloads are.“

Left Quote Right Quote We now wrap up workflow meetings in under 30 minutes. We assess what different teams are up to, who needs a hand, and reshuffle everything within that timeframe. - Tony

Key Takeaways

RMA Engineers sought a solution to streamline their long and unproductive workflow meetings.

To have a permanent, not temporary, resolution, they decided to integrate SAVIOM into their system. This choice proved to be transformative, offering a sustainable solution to their challenges.

In the Principal Engineer’s words,

“I would absolutely recommend Saviom. It is simple, easy to use, and not too bloated. The user interface for resource allocations, in particular, is terrific.“

The tool has emerged as a one-stop solution for all their resourcing woes, addressing the needs of RMA Engineers, efficiently optimizing their workflows, and boosting their top and bottom line.

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