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How Outotec Efficiently Schedules Resources with SAVIOM

By Ajay Kumar
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The Challenge

Metso Outotec, headquartered in Finland, has established itself as a pioneer in minerals and metal processing technologies. Despite its diverse workforce, the company had traditionally relied on cumbersome, multi-frame spreadsheets for scheduling or managing resources. However, this method proved inefficient, resulting in a range of operational complexities.

Right Hand ArrowScheduling competent resources for tasks was arduous due to the absence of real-time visibility
Right Hand ArrowManagers encountered difficulties in accessing resource information based on various organizational roles
Right Hand ArrowManual updating processes resulted in data discrepancies, leading to issues such as double bookings, internal conflicts, etc.

As a result, the managers were burdened with manually updating the spreadsheets to access the required data and results. However, given the vast volume of data involved, any oversight in this process could introduce inaccuracies and hamper the decision-making process.

“ In the past, we were using a spreadsheet which didn’t update itself. ”

- Gavin, IT team member at Outotec.

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About Outotec

Metso Outotec offers comprehensive solutions and services for mineral processing and metal refining industries across the globe. The company is spread across 45+ countries and boasts a workforce of over 16,000 individuals.

Their cutting-edge solutions empower customers to improve energy and water efficiency, streamline operations, and address environmental concerns effectively.

Outotec places a strong emphasis on digital transformation, striving to provide a fully digitalized customer journey for their entire equipment lifecycle.

The Solution

Outotec realized that relying on spreadsheets was outdated and insufficient and chose to transition to Saviom’s Resource Planning and Scheduling application.

“Scheduling before (Saviom) was very archaic since we were only using paper-based solutions.“

- Gavin

However, with the tool’s Gantt chart and advanced filters, the team members could visualize tasks/projects and resources from various dimensions, such as Resource Competency, Project Type, Location, etc.

“The best feature (about Saviom’s product) is the graphical representation through their Gantt chart.“

- Gavin

This allowed them to schedule and deploy the employees to different tasks effectively.

In addition, Gavin mentions that “by dragging and dropping our bookings with Saviom, you’re able to see the impact immediately.”

The tool’s drag-and-drop feature enabled managers to efficiently book resources for projects with just a click of a button. Moreover, managers could instantly view real-time changes and updates, allowing them to adjust resource schedules accordingly. This helped the firm to eliminate scheduling conflicts and ensure seamless project delivery every time.


Result: Outotec can successfully allocate, schedule, and manage over 200 resources across 15 locations.

An intuitive system like Saviom resource management software helped the Outotec team identify and schedule resources for current and future projects.

Saviom’s enterprise-wide visibility enabled managers to deploy resources based on their skills, competencies, availability, capacity, and other core attributes and metrics.

Further, the highlights “Configurable, easy to customise” are critical attributes of Saviom’s product. This feature enables the tool to adapt to any organization’s unique needs and policies effortlessly.

Left Quote Right Quote By being able to search for particular skills of resources, it makes scheduling people onto a job easier. - Gavin

Key Takeaways

Saviom is a futurist resource management software that empowers businesses with comprehensive visibility to schedule the right resources to suitable projects.

“Configurability and ease of customization are the key attributes of Saviom products.“

- Gavin

It is a highly configurable software that can meet the specific needs of any business. Its robust features, including capacity planning, resource utilization, and business intelligence, accompanied by advanced reporting, are finely tuned to cater to the dynamic requirements of today’s fiercely competitive business environment.

Gavin concludes,

“Having been greatly satisfied with the tool’s performance, we have recommended it to other branches of our company. We had chats with people in Canada and also in South Africa.“

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