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How Scott Automation Redefined Resource Forecasting with SAVIOM

By Om Gupta
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The Challenge

Scott Automation and Robotics is a leading provider of automation and robotic solutions for a diverse range of industries. Despite its reputable status, the firm has traditionally relied on Excel spreadsheets to manage its workforce. However, they soon proved cumbersome for managing a diverse team spanning multiple countries. Consequently, it was challenging to ensure that all stakeholders were working with the most up-to-date information regarding resources’ attributes or their work.

Right Hand ArrowManagers often under/overallocated employees, leading to decreased productivity.
Right Hand ArrowForecasting became a speculative process that involved ‘guesstimating’ from cumulative data derived from different spreadsheets.
Right Hand ArrowMultiple teams simultaneously competed for the same few resources, leading to excess workload, instances of double booking, etc.
Right Hand ArrowDepartments had inadequate insights into the utilization of employees due to lack of real-time visibility.

Due to a lack of advanced analytical and visualization capabilities, managers could not generate actionable insights or make informed decisions to optimize their resource allocation effectively. Moreover, handling barely 20 engineers in over 20 projects proved unyielding for the team.

“ Urgent issues would arise and take priority over slated projects and project managers would often compete for resources. This led to project slippage, excess hours among other repercussions of juggling resources around ”

- Rod Burton, Electrical Engineering Manager at Scott Automation and Robotics.

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About Scott Automation and Robotics

Scott provides cutting-edge robotic and automation solutions that redefine industries, fostering safer, more productive, and highly efficient businesses. The company’s extensive capabilities have earned the trust of top global brands.

Backed by a legacy of over 100 years of engineering excellence, Scott designs and builds operations across Australasia, Europe, and the Americas. Their expertise spans the initial design phase to commissioning and ongoing service, offering a comprehensive, purpose-built solution.

The Solution

Scott Automation and Robotics needed viable resource management software that could be customized to attain the desired level of forecasting maturity.

Implementing Saviom ERM has empowered Scott Automation's team to accurately plan and predict future outcomes proactively.

The Gantt charts and 360-degree visibility into critical resource metrics, such as availability, capacity, etc., have helped teams juggle around and shuffle resources easily. Further, their managers have clarity in their staffing situations, allowing them to easily book resources onto upcoming projects.

The software’s advanced forecasting capabilities and data-driven capacity vs. demand reports helped forecast 3 to 6 months’ worth of project work with absolute precision.

“It is a software that allows you to schedule who is doing what, when, and lets you forecast your future capacity vs. demand, which basically shapes your forecasting process. That has been our biggest takeaway,“

- Rod Burton

The tool’s enterprise-wide schedule chart also facilitated in identifying and assigning resources with the requisite skills to the most fitting projects, ensuring timely delivery within budget.

Thus, after the successful deployment in the Australian region (Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne), the software was seamlessly integrated into three key offices in New Zealand.


Result: The company can manage over 100 engineers across all offices in Australia and New Zealand.

Today, Scott Automation and Robotics have successfully replaced their legacy systems and spreadsheets with a single source of truth that gives a holistic visibility of all the people working in the organization.

Embracing a solution-oriented approach with Saviom, the teams at Scott Automation and Robotics can now effectively forecast project demand, optimize resource scheduling, and ensure efficient operations without any hassle.

Furthermore, this transition has resulted in heightened efficiency and increased productivity, saving time and effort. Besides, the firm can schedule and manage over 100 engineers effortlessly across the organization in all locations Based on the resource's current and future bookings, allocations, and other relevant information, they were appropriately deployed to upcoming projects. This eliminated the conflicts among managers competing for the same resources, overloading the current resources, etc.

Left Quote Right Quote Now employees have clear visibility into their current and future work, and the planning process is executed in advance, eliminating the need for ad hoc decision-making. - Rod Burton

Key Takeaways

Saviom, an innovative and highly configurable resource management software, is engineered to give businesses complete visibility into pipeline project demand and identify excesses vs. shortages of resources well in advance.

“People knowing what they need to do next, where they are working, and the planning involved in finding what the person must do is done well before time, instead of everything being ad hoc. Considering efficiency is all about saving money and time, we can definitely say that it has improved“

Moreover, every facet of Saviom, from its advanced forecasting capabilities to the capacity vs. demand report, is finely tuned to meet the dynamic requirements of today’s fiercely competitive business environment with ease and precision.

Ultimately, Saviom delivers sustainable solutions, empowering clients to future-proof their workforce for unparalleled efficiency and success.

Don’t miss out. Book your free customized demo today!

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