How to Measure Different Types of Resource Utilization

- By Om Gupta | June 3, 2020
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In the modern business landscape, resource utilization is a key performance indicator. The businesses strive to achieve optimum utilization of their workforce to enhance profitability.

It is crucial to the firm as it has a direct impact on their bottom line. However, it’s not as simple as it seems, especially in the case of multi-faceted or complex projects. Resource utilization varies based on the types of industry. These are:

  • Overall resource utilization.
  • Billable resource utilization.
  • Non-billable resource utilization.
  • Strategic resource utilization.

Measure Resource Utilization and Improve Productivity
Before diving into the technicalities of how to measure each type, let’s gain an in-depth understanding of the same.

Measuring Overall Resource Utilization

Overall resource utilization is the method of measuring how much a resource is utilized in totality against its availability or capacity.

Which implies;

Overall Resource utilization = Actual or allocated total time / Available resource time or resource capacity.

Measuring Billable Utilization of Resources

Billable utilization is the method of measuring how much a resource is utilized for billable work against its availability or capacity.

Which means;

Billable Resource utilization = Actual or allocated billable time / Available resource time or resource capacity.

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Measuring Non-Billable Utilization of Resources

Non-billable resource utilization is a method of measuring how much a resource is utilized for non-billable work against its availability or capacity. Non-billable work is related to non-billable projects, BAU, meetings, etc.

Which means;

Non-Billable Resource utilization = Actual or allocated non- billable time / Available resource time or resource capacity

Measuring Strategic Utilization of Resources

Strategic resource utilization is the method of measuring how much a resource is utilized for strategic projects. Strategic projects are for achieving long term strategic goals of the business.

So, we measure Strategic utilization as:

Strategic Resource utilization = Actual or allocated strategic time / Available resource time or resource capacity

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Example of Types of Resource Utilization

Let us take the following example to get a better understanding of the concepts mentioned above:

For example,
If the capacity of an employee is 40 hours/week, and total work allocated to this person is 44 hours.

Let’s assume, 44 Hours of work has been allocated in the following ways:

  • 16 hours are allocated to billable work.
  • 20 hours are allocated to non-billable work.
  • 8 hours are allocated to strategic work

So, this person’s different resource utilization will be calculated as:

Overall Resource utilization = 44 hours / 40 hours = 110%
Billable Resource utilization = 16 hours / 40 hours = 40%
Non-Billable Resource utilization = 20 hours / 40 hours = 50%
Strategic Resource utilization = 8 hours / 40 hours = 20%

The Glossary

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